Watchman Nee - Biograghy


Watchman Nee (1903–1972) is remembered for his leadership of an indigenous church movement in China, as well as for his books, which continue to enrich Christians throughout the world. Beginning in the 1930s, Nee helped establish local churches in China that were independent of foreign missionary organizations and were used to bring many into the Kingdom of God. From these roots sprang many of the house churches that continued to meet after Western missionaries were forced to leave the country during the Cultural Revolution. Arrested in 1952 and found guilty of a large number of false charges, Watchman Nee was imprisoned until his death in 1972.

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Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Mega Site

Dear Brothers and Sister,

I just come across this website. I want to share it with everyone here. Enjoy


According to the Bible, first Israel had to be reborn, which reveals we had entered the latter years of the last days. This happened May 14, 1948. Then app. 365 prophecies would be fulfilled within that generation. Note, are there now increases in globalization, technology, communications, unusual weather patterns, tsunamis, alternate lifestyles, economic problems, false prophets, bombs 2500 times bigger than used in WW2 and violence, Middle East unrest and the Israeli–Palestinian situation—just as the Bible predicted? ALL SCRIPTURE is given by inspiration of God. NO PROPHECY of the Scripture is of any private interpretation. 364 now fulfilled.

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