Watchman Nee - Biograghy


Watchman Nee (1903–1972) is remembered for his leadership of an indigenous church movement in China, as well as for his books, which continue to enrich Christians throughout the world. Beginning in the 1930s, Nee helped establish local churches in China that were independent of foreign missionary organizations and were used to bring many into the Kingdom of God. From these roots sprang many of the house churches that continued to meet after Western missionaries were forced to leave the country during the Cultural Revolution. Arrested in 1952 and found guilty of a large number of false charges, Watchman Nee was imprisoned until his death in 1972.

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Friday, July 24, 2009

Church Sermons- 3 Effortless Research Tips
by: Monique Edwards

Sermons have the ability to change lives. For those people that hear
your message at the right time and place, it can literally change the
course of their very decision making. So how do you construct a
sermon? It can be quite an overwhelming job, especially if you've
never written one before. Where do you begin? What are you going to
talk about? What passages of scripture do you use? How do you tie
everything up in a neat little bow? Can you even do that? After all, a
lot of scripture is open to interpretation. Well, if you're wracking
your brain trying to write that sermon, these 3 effortless sermon
research tips should help.

At the top of the list of things to do is to make sure that you have a
main passage of scripture that you want to preach off of. A lot of
times, this will lock you into a subject. For example, if you're
preaching on Daniel in the lion's den, you're not going to stray and
start talking about the transfiguration of Jesus. Having specific
bible scripture in mind will make the sermon itself go a lot smoother
and even, in some cases, write itself. You will be surprised how
quickly research will flow when you have a topic and start connecting
chapter and verse as you research.

Another thing you want to do is start the sermon off with a related
personal story. Try to make it a humorous one if you can. The reason
for this is because you don't want the congregation falling asleep on
you. If you dive right into the theological stuff right off the bat,
you're going to lose a lot of your congregation before you even reach
the second paragraph. Adding the human element will greatly help in
keeping the parishioners interested. If you want to see an example of
this, watch Joel Olsteen on Christian television. He starts off each
message with a joke and gets his congregation to laugh. I think this
also gives him a down to earth character and his people view him as
being at their level, and they in turn can relate to him and receive
the message he is giving.

Finally, you want to keep your sermon brief. A clever minister used to
say, if you can't get your point across in less than 10 minutes, then
it wasn't worth getting across in the first place. One way to keep
your sermon brief is to make a list of bullet points that you want to
cover in the sermon itself. Try to keep them to 3 or 4 points in
total. If you limit each one to about 3 minutes talking time, you
should have no problem keeping your sermon to around 10 minutes. Some
church denominations are accustomed to longer messages, and if you are
a pastor from those denominations, you already know who you are. It
should be prudent to note that the attention span for an adult is
between 20-25 minutes so after this point, even with longer messages,
your members have reached their maximum capacity to absorb your

There are other things you can do to improve your sermon, but we'll
cover those in future articles. In the meantime, if you follow the
tips I've outlined above, getting a main passage of scripture,
starting off with a personal story, and keeping the sermon to about 10
minutes, you will find that your sermon will go over a lot better with
the congregation and they won't end up falling asleep on you or
leaving service early.

About The Author

It is my hope that this article will help you put your church sermon
together with ease and make the act of writing a sermon more

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